BonPEC updates

Currently we are testing and certifying our unique application of the Pulsed Eddy Current technology, named BonPEC. We are now actively searching for clients willing to invest in our product (reduced costs when results will be used at conferences to present our methodology). In June we will be attending the CINDE conference in Canada! Please…

First progress meeting BonPEC

On the 18th of December, we (Irinia Birman, Anton Prins, Riccardo Scottini, Domenico Bellistri and Victor de Haan) gathered for our first progress meeting! The picture below shows Irina, Victor and Anton (showing the probe), both Riccardo and Domenico joined us online. I, Victor, would like to thank all contributors to the BonPEC progress meeting…


Stroomi B.V. invited us to visit the EUROPORT 2023, a maritime exhibition. Here we aimed at generating interest for BonPEC. (Read here about BonPEC.) It has been an interesting opportunity that resulted in a lot of new connections. An overwhelming amount of high quality stands were present at the exhibition, and the ambiance was nice.…

Development of the BonPEC

Recently, BonPhysics has been working on a new type of Pulsed Eddy Current device: the BonPEC. This is a high performance equipment and delivers you real time information to assist and facilitate the corrosion monitoring and condition assessment of your assets. Read through the flyer to see all your possible benefits when you chose to…


On the 21st of May, 2022, we had the chance to celebrate the fact that BonPhysics B.V. already existed for 25 years. Together with family, friends, and colleagues we enjoyed this day in the Museum Boerhaave (Museum of science in Leiden). We enjoyed a lunch together, an introductory movie of the museum, a tour through…

A compact neutron source

Currently, BonPhysics BV is developing a compact neutron source. This is done in cooperation with Norront AS, located in Norway. In this animation the working mechanism is visualized. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions or remarks!

Nature Communications

Recently, an article has been published in Nature Communications with the above mentioned title. Victor was co-author and helped during the preparation phase and conduction of the experiments. The official nature publication can be found here. In the article, scientists describe the experimental set-up which witnessed the quantum mechanical behaviour of neutrons. In this update…

Innovation media

Recently, in the 4th edition of a magazine called ‘Innovation media’, about agri innovation and sustainability, an article written by BonPhysics B.V. has been published. This magazine serves as an international agricultural media portal and can be found here. On page 18 you can read our article. It is about the Research & Development cycle…


GOOSE, a guard of the cold neutron source, uses the Larmor precision (read more) to check the performance of the cold neutron source. The (cold) neutron source produces slowly moving neutrons that enter the GOOSE apparatus in which the wavelength spectrum is measured. The ratio of the spectrum intensity after and before the installation represents…