The end of an era!

Over the last years Victor was weekly involved in the OYSTER project at the Technical University of Delft. An international team worked together to develop a cold neutron source, and now it is in function! With the insertion of an extremely cold liquid hydrogen cold source in a beam tube close to the reactor core,…

A compact neutron source

Currently, BonPhysics BV is developing a compact neutron source. This is done in cooperation with Norront AS, located in Norway. In this animation the working mechanism is visualized. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions or remarks!


GOOSE, a guard of the cold neutron source, uses the Larmor precision (read more) to check the performance of the cold neutron source. The (cold) neutron source produces slowly moving neutrons that enter the GOOSE apparatus in which the wavelength spectrum is measured. The ratio of the spectrum intensity after and before the installation represents…

A new project

Together with researchers from the USA and UK, Victor de Haan has submitted a research proposal regarding gravitation. Gravitation is a force, everyone on the earth has to deal with. Highly relevant information, such as: the actual source of origin of gravitation, is still missing. Although several theories about the origin exist, each one consists…

Neutron Chopper

Our journey in Norway is continuing as we are asked to build a ‘Van Well Chopper’. Since the 1st of August, 2017, we have been supporting the renewal of the instrument suite of the research reactor JEEP-II at the Institute for Energy Technology in Kjeller. Among other things we provided support during the development of…